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Nominate a Quarterly Cause!

Posted by Tiffany Gaines on

What are you invested in?

Gaines Investment Trust Charitable InitiativeFighting homelessness? Providing resources for foster children? Feeding your local community? Bringing the arts to underprivileged youth? At Gaines Investment Trust we’ve got a team full of big-hearted individuals that are invested in SO many important causes.That’s why we’ve committed to donating at least $10,000 annually to charities of your choice.

Tell us what cause you are most invested in, and you may have an opportunity to personally designate a $500 donation to the charity of your choice!  

Every quarter we will select a new cause in each of our four regions!

This Quarterly Cause will also be available as a place to Invest the GIT Bucks that you earn throughout the year. 

Click here to tell us what cause you’re invested in & nominate a charity that is meaningful to you: https://gainesinvestmenttrust.yardiaspire.com/53267335/survey/5/0

Or - Redeem your earned GIT bucks to make a cash donation to our current cause here

Thank you for your investment in helping others. We’re honored and humbled to serve our local communities with you.